Our custom engraved items are priced according to the average amount of time the laser is running. For particularly complex engravings or where the artwork requires a higher detail level, the price you pay may (unusually) be higher.
Once you have placed your order and submitted your artwork to us, we’ll check the laser time and give you an updated price. If you don’t like the price, we’ll give you a full refund, no quibbles.
The price difference will be greatest for the larger items – this is simple maths – the price of the large items is mainly laser time whereas the price of the smaller pieces is mainly the raw materials.
If you want to be sure about the price before parting with your money, drop us a line at enquires@workshopmayhem.co.uk with your artwork and the number of units you want and we will give you a firm price.
Our wooden engraved products are mainly pine and bamboo. These are natural products and the engraving colour and depth may change across the material. This can be especially true with bamboo, which is essentially engineered using lots of small pieces. If you buy an engraved item, you may find that the engraving is brown rather than black – for example see this closeup of the phone/tablet stand engraved with our own logo. You can see that the colour varies from dark brown to light brown. We can fix this with a post processing step such as a flood fill with acrylic paint, but that will add to the cost.
If you are thinking of a bulk order such as promotional materials, drop us a line – maybe we could send you a sample with your own artwork on before you order.
We may be able to laser your own items too. drop us a line with your requirements and we’ll try to help. Your items need to be pretty flat, max thickness about 5cm and must be a laser safe material. This is important, there are many plastics which it is dangerous to laser and we don’t have the necessary equipment to handle chlorine off-gassing!